Friday, April 20, 2012

Tea Party Session in the Orchards - Boise Idaho Child - Newborn - Family Photographer

I had soooo much fun with this session with my daughter and her cousins. It was such a blast. What little girl wouldn't dream of doing a tea party with her friends surrounded by flowers (Or as her cousin kylie called then "The spooky trees!) They gossiped about boys over water.... When I told them to talk about boys they all said "EEEEW! we don't want to talk about boys! My daughter already promised me she wouldn't get married til 25 so lets hope she upholds that promsise.

We also ran through the Orchard's and played ring around the rosie and swung umbrellas and even pushed an English Pram around. Stylized sessions are the best because this is when a kid can be a kid and be themselves and have fun while taking pictures and making memories for mommy and daddy to hang on the wall.

Want to do a stylized session with your child? Email me at with your ideas and lets start planning!

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a gorgeous locations Steph! I am tweeting this right this second. LOVE it!

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